Onboarding App

NYC based real estate startup
Simple responsive single-page React/Redux application, created for a real estate startup from NYC, allowing to easily guide people through apartment-seeking process and gathering their data in the end.
Web/UX/UI Design
Mobile/UX/UI Design
- Problem to be solved
A NewYork based client approached us with a mission to create an application that would allow users to easily look for a perfect apartment in NYC. The main points that the app should meet was simplicity, gathering data in organised format to allow the product owner to contact gathered leads with a well-suited offer that in the future may be proposed automatically. Client also needed a slick design that would make the usage of the app intuitive and fast.
- Implemented solution
After conducting remote MVP workshops we decided to simplify the idea into a responsive single page application done in React/Redux that would guide the person through the process of gathering flat requirements. The main focus was on showing the client the exact progress of this process and allowing to make changes easily when necessary. That is why single-page React app was a necessity here. At the last step of the process the user leaves contact data allowing fast contact with suitable offers. Of course we also supported the client with a simple admin panel that allows to browse through the queries fast.
- Technologies used
React as JS library
Rails 5 API backend
Redux for state management (with redux-sagas for handling asynchroneous side-effects)
Redux Form for handling onboarding form data
webpack as module bundler
yarn for package management
babel for ES6
eslint for JS linting
CSS modules with Sass for component based styling
Redux DevTools for debugging
HMR (Hot Module Replacement) to speed up development process
- Results of implementation
The client received the full responsive design for onboarding app and landing page together with simple branding that can be used in any marketing materials. The app was developed fast and due to frontend/backend separation both parts were implemented simultaneously. After this short production cycle client was ready to launch and started gathering the leads which allowed him to give services to more people than before.
- Final remarks
Although the project may seem small it was actually pretty interesting because chosen technology allowed us to create a powerful onboarding-like engine that makes it easy to gather data and use it to the clients advantage in the future, which also satisfied client’s UX concerns about the product. Because of the existing know-how there weren’t too much architectural debt. The whole app including landing page is mobile-ready so whenever client decides to go into this direction he will have again a very short production-cycle.