Field agents management application
Field agents management application

An advanced web application that allows our clients to manage field workers.
Redesigning the app
Our main goal was to redesign and simplify some of the processes in the existing application.
Ongoing Development
Web/UX/UI Design
Single Page Application

- Workshop with the client
A client approached us with an existing project which, in their opinion, became slightly overcomplicated at some point. The previous company was just doing what they were told without any suggestions from their side. During the workshops in our office the product owner was amazed by our insights and suggestions based on our previous experience. Since the client was very well prepared, we managed to pinpoint the main issues of the current app and started working on a plan on how to implement the changes.
- Planning the redesign works
Once the workshops were completed we got down to planning the actual work. We separated the functionalities in most need of revamping into new microfrontends. This allowed us to divide our work. We would keep maintaining the old application and implement a few quick wins to improve the UX. At the same time we would focus on developing the new microfrontends, free from the constraints of the previous designs. Once each new module was ready, it would be seamlessly incorporated into the user's path, replacing the obsolete parts of the old application.
- Reimplementing the onboarding procedure
One of the most important pain-points of the client was the overcomplicated onboarding procedure. Our UX/UI team redesigned the entire process to make it simple, clean and intuitive. To implement the new onboarding, we moved away from the old Rails monolith application and implemented a Single Page Application in React. This allowed us to achieve a smooth wizard experience with live predictions of the fields based on the previous steps.
- Creating a progressive web application
The second part of the application that had to be redesigned was the panel for field agents. Our client provided us with a detailed profile of this specific user. Together we established a set of requirements on its basis which included prioritizing mobile access and live notifications about any changes in the assignments. Instead of implementing a separate mobile application for both Android and IoS we opted to build this module as a Progressive Web App. This gave us all the benefits of the mobile app, such as installability and live push notifications, but would allow the app to evolve in the future to also accommodate the other user roles, according to the mobile first approach.
- Interactions
The old application was entangled in a web of third-party providers to handle the accounts, payments and notifications. Some of the integrations stopped working, some were redundant. Our team’s task was to investigate and simplify those connections so that we could reduce the unnecessary costs for the client and improve the workflow with the applications that the client really used.