In December, Visuality hosted the last Miłośnicy Ruby Warsaw Meetup this year. We want to describe it quickly and provide the list of all presentations from Ruby meetups organized recently. And finally, we want to say “Thank you” for building the Ruby community in Warsaw together.
As traditionally, we gathered at 18.00 in our office in Warsaw. The first presentation by Mateusz Woźniczka was a visually stunning history of a pokemon trainer. Mateusz showed how to properly design a database for a professional Pokedex system, taking special care of database normalization. LINK
The following presentation started with a quick explanation of Cargo Cult (it still exists!). Krzysztof Hasiński listed many practices that are often copied from the biggest tech companies without realizing it doesn’t make any sense. Naturally, he proposed helpful solutions for them. LINK
Piotr Wasiak was the last prelegent. He discussed the problems he encountered when building the project in AWS Lambda. His insights are useful if you write Lambda in Ruby and use Lambda layers. LINK

There were also two lightning talks. Tatiana was talking about her problem in one of the projects and how she solved it without coding. Then, Piotr described the idea of code golfing and showed some weird code examples.
Exceptionally, discussions and foosball games afterward were accompanied by barszcz and pierogi instead of the typical pizza meal.
Past meetups
17th November
The second edition of Domain Driven-Design focused presentations:
- Paweł Strzałkowski - The path of a domain-driven warrior-how to start, grow and succeed in DDD using Ruby
- Piotr Brych - Journey to DDD: through the land of Dungeons, Dragons and Daemons
- Karol Piekara - Zapomniane programowanie obiektowe
Lightning talks:
- Mateusz Woźniczka - How to deal with WLED.
20th October
More testing-oriented presentations:
- Paweł Strzałkowski - It can't be tested locally
- Patryk Ptasiński - 3 issues that made 30 test workers take 40 minutes
- Stanisław Zawadzki - When you have to write tests
Lightning talks:
- Mateusz Woźniczka - DIY Smart Home: Heating
29th September
- Mariusz Kozieł - Schema.rb vs Structure.sql in your Ruby on Rails application
- Adam Piotrowski - Mutation testing - why & how - case study
Lightning talks:
- Mateusz Woźniczka - DIY Smart Home: Lights
25th August
First edition of Domain-Driven Design presentations:
- Paweł Strzałkowski - Domain Modeling in Ruby on Rails
- Andrzej Krzywda - Poukładajmy Twoje Railsy wg domen
- Yaroslav Shmarov - Frontendless Rails frontend in real life
Lightning talks:
- Mateusz Woźniczka - DIY Smart Home
14th July
Very first edition:
- Michał Łęcicki - Introduction to Event Storming
- Alexander Repnikov - ActiveRecord .includes - do you use it consciously?
- Krzysztof Piotrowski - Live asynchronous updates to RoR applications from the backend
- Oskar Lakner - Describing Miłośnicy Ruby initiative
Lighting talks:
- Oskar Lakner - How to use a bullet journal
- Bartosz Bazański - How programming can solve everyday problems
You can read a more detailed summary here :)
As Visuality, we are really happy that Ruby meetups in Warsaw are resurrected. For half a year, our office has been regularly becoming a place for sharing development experiences, discussing interesting problems, and most importantly - building a Ruby developers community. Thank you fellows and see you next year!