On Thursday 14th of July, Visuality and 2N had the pleasure to organize the first Miłośnicy Ruby Warsaw Meetup. It was a great occasion to learn something new and meet other programmers.
Miłośnicy Ruby
Miłośnicy Ruby is a community initiative started by Oskar Lakner. The goal is to connect Ruby programmers at all levels of experience. It's a perfect place for developers, who start their adventure with Ruby and Rails. They can meet more experienced colleagues, who are ready to help and advise. Oskar organizes offline meetups (like this one), online webinars, and events. There is also dedicated discord, where everyone can ask questions or share thoughts.
After a short greeting, we started with a bunch of presentations:
“Introduction to Event Storming” by Michał Łęcicki, who showed how Big Picture and Process Level Event Storming sessions could look like. LINK
Caveats of using ActiveRecord
by Alexander Repnikov. He described whenincludes
is inadvisable and also shed light on theArel
library used underneath. LINK“Live asynchronous updates to RoR applications from the backend” by Krzysztof Piotrowski. Krzysztof showed how to use Turbo Streams for live updates in the example app, and all this without JavaScript! LINK
Details about Miłośnicy Ruby initiative by Oskar Lakner. The initiative's creator told about his motivation, goals, and plans.
After 3 hours of presentations, there was also a space for short lightning talks. Oskar described the idea of a bullet journal and Bartek Bazański showed the react app he created and used for designing tails in his bathroom! (LINK).

Eventually, everyone was fed up with knowledge, but physically starving. Fortunately, barbeque in our garden was already waiting. Attendees could meet other Ruby geeks and exchange insights. Especially people new to the community had a chance to talk to more experienced colleagues or simply ask 'How to be a Ruby engineer?'.

As you can see in the photos, there were almost 50 people! Engaging presentations, a variety of beverages, and most importantly - the chance to meet new people. That's why it's worth attending such events. Organizing the Ruby meetup in our office was also a refreshing experience for us. Now we know what worked well and what can be improved in the future. We can't wait for the next one!
Make sure to follow us on Facebook so you don't miss any events!
P. S. If you have an interesting presentation and want to show it at the next meetup, contact us!