DDD in Ruby on Rails - Aggregate Pattern
Ruby on Rails
Video from the fourth edition of Domain-Driven Design webinar hosted by Visuality, with presentation by Paweł Strzałkowski. The speaker shows how to use DDD's aggregate pattern in a Ruby on Rails application. The covered topics include: - an eventful story about Christmas elves and their struggle with work burnout - dealing with race conditions - aggregate pattern - optimistic and pessimistic locking - how and when to use aggregates in Ruby on Rails applications - eventual consistency
From idea to implementation: A Practical Guide to Event Storming
Event Storming
Video from the third edition of Domain-Driven Design webinar hosted by Visuality, with a presentation by Michał Łęcicki. He describes and presents Big Picture Event Storming and Process Level Event Storming in action. The covered topics include: - definition and purpose of Big Picture Event Storming - benefits of the Event Storming technique - identifying and visualizing business processes - most common Event Storming problems - tips and tricks to lead successful workshops - introduction to Process Level Event Storming - all of the above during the example Event Storming session!
How to use DDD with Ruby on Rails, the path of a domain-driven warrior
Ruby on Rails
Video from the second edition of Domain-Driven Design webinar hosted by Visuality, with presentation by Paweł Strzałkowski. The speaker shows how to implement DDD concepts in a plain Ruby on Rails application. The covered topics include - How to split a Ruby on Rails app into bounded contexts - Using layered architecture - Modeling domain layer using PORO - Implementing repositories - Using application services - Communicating between bounded contexts using domain events - and more!